What is Sick Building Syndrome — And How To Fix It

Sick Building Syndrome — if you haven’t heard of it, it might be hard to imagine what it is. Don’t worry: your office or building won't have to be taken down because of it. But if you suffer from this, changes do need to be made.
What happens in ‘sick’ buildings?
Because the ‘Sick’ refers to the people inside the building. Every building has some form of ‘air pollution’. Fungi, bacteria, odors, and viruses make their way in with everyone else. This can all be found in the air everyone breathes, which usually shouldn’t be a problem. But without proper ventilation, the number of organisms can grow to an unhealthy amount, and diseases can spread faster.
Signs your air quality needs improvement
What you often see in building with poor air quality, is that it’s not one person falling ill. If it happens, it happens to bigger groups.
Symptoms related to bad air quality
People can start feeling tired and irritable. Dizziness, feeling sick, irritation in the eyes, a common cold: it can all be caused by the air inside. But respiratory infections such as COVID-19 also spread faster in these environments. Time to take action.
Why you should improve the air quality in your building
It’s not just to prevent diseases from spreading faster, or getting rid of an unpleasant odor. We spend a lot of time indoors. Schools, workplaces, stores, care homes: these are all places where people can suffer the most from poor air quality. If you tackle this problem, people in the building will be happier, healthier, and more productive. You’ll create a safe and comfortable environment. Because no amount of free fruit in the cafeteria can beat the consequences of poor air quality.
How to cure Sick Building Syndrome
Cracking a window won’t get rid of all those bacteria and viruses. One of the most effective tools in the battle against ‘bad air’ is an UVC air purifier. The devices use short-wave ultraviolet light (UVC light) to inactivate airborne pathogens and microorganisms: those unwanted bacteria and viruses.
How does light affect air? As the air passes through the device, it passes UVC lamps. These disinfect the air through germicidal irradiation.
Improve the health of your building, and the people in it
Viropower offers solutions for healthier air to any business. See our testimonials to find out how other entrepreneurs and managers are taking care of their building — and the people in it.