ViroPower obtains Healthy Air Certificate

ViroPower is Viridi Air Partner (platinum) and in possession of the Healthy Air Certificate©
Since 2021, ViroPower has been affiliated with Viridi Air (platinum partnership) with the aim of demonstrating even better what we stand for: healthy air! For us, it doesn't stop with indoor air. Air is everywhere, both outside and inside. It continuously influences each other. If the air quality outside is below average, the indoor air is also negatively affected.
Platinum Partner of Viridi Air
We can also contribute to this through the Viridi Air partnership because they focus on outdoor air. By placing only trees that perform above average in terms of air purification and a unique planting method (not as a forest area but as filter strips), the outside air becomes cleaner. This natural sustainable filter technique removes fine dust, NOx, ammonia, VOC and CO2 from the air. In this way we not only contribute to health but also to the climate.
What does Viridi Air do?
The goal of Viridi Air is to get as many companies as possible moving to contribute to healthy, clean indoor air and/or less emission to the outside air for staff, customers or society. Encouraging companies to contribute to healthy air at its source. Where the pollution begins.
In order to achieve this, on the one hand they are in regular dialogue with governments, science, industry organizations and lobby groups for more awareness, willingness to invest and regulations regarding indoor and outdoor air. On the other hand, Viridi Air plants on behalf of companies* air-purifying filter strips consisting of unique tree/hedge species and thus creates clean, healthy air. In addition, it is good for the climate.
* PLEASE NOTE: Only companies that (demonstrably) contribute to clean indoor air and/or lower emission to the outside air with a product, service or conscious company policy can participate in our external filter projects. This is always assessed by us in advance.
Admission Criteria Partnership
To be admitted as a Viridi Air partner, our products had to meet a number of admission criteria:
- Filtering effectiveness of at least 95%
- Circulation capacity of at least 45m³ per hour
- Filter at least E11 gradation in accordance with European Norm 1822
The ViroPower device meets these criteria by working with a HEPA 13 filter (99.95% effectiveness instead of the requested 95%) in addition to a coarse dust filter. In addition, UVC light ensures 99% inactivation of viruses within 6 seconds.
The Healthy Air Certificate
By being admitted to the Viridi Air Partnership, we received the Healthy Air Certificate© in recognition of which it is stated that we contribute to clean indoor air with our own products, but also to the outdoor air because Viridi Air places trees for us in an external filter project. We are also allowed to use the Clean Air label for the certificate. This allows us to communicate even better to the outside world that we stand for clean, healthy air!
More information?
Do you want more information about what Viridi Air does? Check out their website here You will also find an article here about a project in which ViroPower participated. A tree has been planted for every ViroPower employee in one of the many projects Viridi Air is setting up to achieve clean air.
Healthy Air. Of course for each other!