Back to work? Here are some safety tips

The time has come to at least think about going back to our workplace — even if it’s just a few days a week. But before reopening your office, there are some safety measures to be taken. To make sure everyone follows them and that your office is safe day in and out, here are some tips.
Listen to and collabrate with your employees
It’s crucial to talk to your employees about the new rules and measurements you will be installing. After all, they will be the ones following and using them, so make sure you work together on this.
Start a conversation on what policies they can expect and how you can make the implementation of this easier for everyone. They might have some good ideas. Including them in the conversation makes it a team effort, making it easier to get everyone on board.
Assess the state of your building or office
Some measures simply won't work in a building that needs more improvements. Ever heard of Sick Building Syndrome? It’s a real thing. Basically, installing measures will only be effective if your building or office is in a good state. Think ventilation and air quality. Look at that first, and then decide what the logical next step would be, such as installing UVC air purifiers.
Step up your cleaning protocols
Assess what cleaning protocols were already in place and how you need to change them to adapt to the new standards.
Check in daily
Following these new policies has to become a habit, and that might take some time. Instead of simply expecting everyone to follow them, make clear you will be inspecting this and that you will be available for questions or suggestions. Do this at least until you see that people have adapted to the new standard.
Keep score
If you really want to make it a team effort, keep track of the levels of compliance to the new rules daily. Even better: keep a scoreboard, with different levels of compliance. It might sound childish, but a visual reminder of how well everyone is doing can be that little push people need to keep their distance or wear masks.
Create a dedicated COVID-19 team
While it’s everyone's job to uphold the safety measures, it does help to have a dedicated team that oversees it all and is available for questions and suggestions.
Need help getting back to business?
We take care of your air. Reach out to our team to find out how our UVC air purifiers help create a safe environment for your employees.